The impact of global warming on human life and the environment is not a myth. These impacts have occurred, affecting us every day, whether we realize it or not. Various consequences of global warming are negative and counter-productive to humans and the biodiversity on earth. One of the impacts felt by the community is the phenomenon of rising sea levels resulting in tidal flooding and abrasion.
Mangroves whose habitats on the coast are one of the protective ecosystems for coastal communities, besides that they can store more carbon than almost all ecosystems on earth, so this ecosystem can also play an important role in mitigating global warming.
At the same time, the existence, area and function of mangroves continues to decline and has been proven to have a negative impact on the environment and social and economic communities, so it is important that together and gradually take various actions and actions to preserve mangroves.
Indonesia's momentum to lead the G20 presidency this year is a very good momentum to show Indonesia's commitment to a strong role in dealing with world climate change through activities to maintain, protect and rehabilitate mangrove ecosystems.
With this rationale in mind, the Universal Benefit Mangrove Foundation initiated Environmental and Social Service activities through mangrove nursery and planting activities as well as providing social assistance to communities who consistently maintain and care for the mangrove forest ecosystem.